Surveillance of the spatio-temporal patterns: change of interaction in an Ising dynamic model
Eric Järpe
research report 2000:5, Göteborg University, Göteborg

Surveillance to detect changes of spatial patterns is of interest in many areas such as environmental control and regional analysis. A model which possesses both spatial and time dependence is the Markov chain Markov field. Here a special case of this, called Ising dynamic model with zero external field, and change in its spatial interaction parameter is considered. A method for simulation exactly according to this Ising dynamic model, is proposed. Surveillance methods corresponding to common methods for the time independent case, are derived.

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More about the spatio-temporal interaction model here!

Attraction Ising dynamic patterns at times t-1, t and t+1.
No interaction Ising dynamic patterns at times t-1, t and t+1.
Repulsion Ising dynamic patterns at times t-1, t and t+1.