Högskolan i Halmstad, 
Box 823, SE-301 18 Halmstad.
Tel: +46 35 16 71 00. Fax: +46 35 12 03 48



M. Parsapoor, U. Bilstrup and B. Svensson, “Forecasting Solar Activity with Computational Intelligence

Models,” IEEE Access, 2018.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, “Chaotic Time Series Prediction Using Brain Emotional Learning Based Recurrent Fuzzy System (BELRFS),” International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, 2013.


K. Sjöberg Bilstrup, E. Uhlemann, E. Ström and U. Bilstrup, "On the ability of the 802.11p MAC method and STDMA to support real-time vehicle-to-vehicle communication" in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2009, Article ID 902414, 13 pages, 2009.


Conference papers:

U. Bilstrup and F. Stranne, “Peace in Cyberspace Will Not Take Place” International Studies Association, ISA's 57th Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., March 2016.


M. Parsapoor, U. Blistrup and B. Svensson, “Prediction of Solar Cycle 24 Using a Connectionist Model of the Emotional System,” proceeding of The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2015, Ireland, July 2015.


H. Ramazanali, M. Jonsson, A. Vinel, and U. Bilstrup, “ Multichannel admission control for military training network,” proceedings of 18th IEEE Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC) 2015, New Zealand, April 2015.


U. Bilstrup, F. Stranne and L. Ewertsson, “Behind the Mask – Attribution of antagonists in cyberspace and its implications on international conflicts and security issues,” International Studies Association (ISA)’s 56th Annual, Convention – Global IR and Regional Worlds. A New Agenda for International Studies, New Orleans, U.S., February 2015.


H. Ramazanali, M. Jonsson, K. Kunert and U. Bilstrup,  'Military Training Network with Admission Control using Real-Time Analysis' published in proceedings of 2014 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Athens, Greece, December 2014.


M. Parsapoor, U. Bilstrup, and B. Svensson, “A Brain Emotional Learning-based Prediction Model for the Prediction of Geomagnetic Storms,” proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA ‘14), Warzawa, Poland, September 2014.


M. Parsapoor, U. Bilstrup, and B. SvenssonNeuro-fuzzy Models for Geomagnetic Storms Prediction Using the Auroral Electrojet Index”, proceedings of The 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2014), Xiamen, China, 2014.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup , “An Imperialist Competitive Algorithm For Interference-Aware Cluster-heads Selection in Ad hoc Networks, ” proceeding of: The 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA-2014, Victoria, Canada, May 2014.


U. Bilstrup, F. Stranne and L. Ewertsson, “Tinker Tailor Computer Spy – Dominating “digital (in)security” discourses and its foreign policy implications,” International Studies Association (ISA)’s 55th Annual, Convention – Spaces and Places Geopolitics in an Era of Globalization, Toronto, Canada, March 2014.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup,” A Centralized Channel Assignment Algorithm for Clustered Ad Hoc Networks ” in proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors ICWiSe 2013, Malaysia, December 2013.


M. Jonsson, K. Kunert, and U. Bilstrup, “A Real-Time Medium Access Protocol Supporting Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Industrial Networks,” proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, Vilnius, Lithuania December 2013.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, “Brain Emotional Learning Based Fuzzy Inference System,” The 8th International Conference on Digital Information Management, Islamabad, Pakistan, September, 2013.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, “An Emotional Learning-inspired Ensemble Classifier (ELiEC),” 8th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'13), Kraków, Poland, September 8-11, 2013.


M. Rosenberg and U. Bilstrup, “A Pilot Study of Using Honeypots as Cyber Intelligence Sources,” European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2013, August 12-14, Uppsala, Sweden 2013.


U. Bilstrup and M. Parsapoor, “A Framework and Architecture for a Cognitive Engine based on a Computational Model of Human Emotional Learning,” in the proceedings of The Wireless Innovation Forum Europe Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio, SDR-WInnComm-Europe 2013, June 11-13, Munich, Germany, 2013.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup,”Ant Colony Optimization for Channel Assignment Problems in Clustered Mobile Ad Hoc Network,” in proceedings of International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2013), June 12-15, 2013, Harbin, China.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, “A Meta-heuristic Method for Cluster-based Channel Assignment in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network,” in students session of The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2013,Turin, Italy, April 2013.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, “Merging ant colony optimization based clustering and an imperialist competitive algorithm for spectrum management of a cognitive mobile ad hoc network,” in proceedings of The Wireless Innovation Forum Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio, SDR-WInnComm 2013, Washington D.C., U.S. January 2013.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, “Brain Emotional Learning Based Fuzzy Inference System (BELFIS) for Solar Activity Forecasting,” in proceedings of 24th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2012

Athens, Greece November, 2012.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, "Imperialist Competition Algorithm for DSA in Cognitive Radio Networks," in proceedings of 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2012, Shanghai, China September, 2012.


M. Parsapoor and U. Bilstrup, " Neuro-Fuzzy Models, BELRFS and LOLIMOT, for Prediction of Chaotic Time Series," in proceedings of the International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, INISTA 2012, Trabzon, Turkey, July, 2012.


K. Kunert, M. Jonsson and U. Bilstrup, “Deterministic real-time medium access for cognitive industrial radio networks,” in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2012, Lemgo, Germany, 2012.


B. Nilsson, L. Bengtsson, B. Svensson, P-A. Wiberg, and U. Bilstrup, “An Active Backscatter Wake-up and Tag Identification Extraction Protocol for Low Cost and Low Power Active RFID,” in Proceedings of the IEEE  International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications, Guangzhou, China, June  2010.


E. Nilsson, B. Nilsson, L. Bengtsson, B- Svensson, P-A. Wiberg and U. Bilstrup, “A Low Power-Long Range Active RFID-system Consisting of Active RFID Backscatter Transponders,” in Proceedings of the IEEE  International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications, Guangzhou, China, June 2010.


E. Nilsson, P. Linnér, A. Sikö, U. Bilstrup and P-A. Wiberg, “A New CMOS Radio for Low Power RFID Applications,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications, Guangzhou, China, June 2010.


K. Bilstrup, E. Uhlemann, E. Ström and U. Bilstrup, "On the ability of the IEEE 802.11p STDMA to provide predictable channel access," in Proc. of the 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-24 September 2009.


K. Bilstrup, E. Uhlemann, E. Ström, and U. Bilstrup, "Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11p MAC method for vehicle-to-vehicle communication," in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symp. on Wireless Vehicular Communications, Calgary, Canada, 21-22 September 2008.


U. Bilstrup, K. Bilstrup, B. Svensson and P-A. Wiberg, “The use of clustered wireless multihop networks in industrial settings,” in Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA '07, Patras, Greace, 10-12 September 2007.


B. Nilsson, L. Bengtsson, U. Bilstrup, P-A. Wiberg and B. Svensson, “Towards an efficient protocol for active RFID,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems 2006, IES 2006, Antibes Juan-Les-Pains, France, October 2006.


U. Bilstrup and P-A. Wiberg, “An implementation of a 3-tier hierarchical Wireless Sensor Network,” in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN 06, Singapore, pp. 138-143, August 2006.


U. Bilstrup, K. Bilstrup, B. Svensson and P-A. Wiberg, “Using dual-radio nodes to enable quality of service in a clustered wireless mesh network,” in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA '06, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 54-61, September 2006.


U. Bilstrup and P-A. Wiberg, “An architecture comparison between a wireless sensor network and an active RFID,” in Proc. LCN 04' 29th Conference on Local Computer Networks, Tampa, Florida, November 2004, pp.583-585.


U. Bilstrup , K. Sjöberg B. Svensson and P-A. Wiberg, “ A fault tolerance test enabling QoS in a Bluetooth piconet,” in Proceedings of the 2004 International Workshop on Real-time Networks, RTN 2004, Catania, Italy, June 2004, pp.47-51.


U. Bilstrup, K. Sjöberg, B. Svensson and P-A. Wiberg, “Capacity limitations in wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. ETFA 03' 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2003, pp.529-536.


P-A. Wiberg and U. Bilstrup, “Wireless technology in industry - applications and user scenarios,” in Proc. of the 8:th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Antibes-Juan les Pins, France, October 2001, pp. 123-133.


U. Bilstrup and P-A. Wiberg, “Bluetooth in industrial environment,” in Proc. of the 11:th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, Porto, Portugal, September 2000, pp. 239-246.


U. Bilstrup and P-A. Wiberg, “Routing protocol for wireless real-time multihop networks,” in Proc. of the 11:th WIP Session Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, York, England, UK, June 1999.

Conference presentations:

U. Bilstrup, “Electronics Center in Halmstad – An Innovation Arena” Embedded Conference Scandinavia, Stockholm, Sweden, 4-5 November 2014.


L. Ewertsson, F. Stranne and U. Bilstrup, “To Manage Digital (In)Security”, North Sea Commission, Study Visit Halmstad university, Towards an innovation driven university NSC Innovation and Education Group, Halmstad, 10 June 2013.


U. Bilstrup, ”Network Management Challenges for the Internet of Things Vision” Embedded Conference Scandinavia, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-3 October 2012.  

K. Bilstrup, E. Uhlemann, Erik G. Ström, and U. Bilstrup, “Medium access control schemes intended for vehicle communication,” in presented at 3rd COST2100 Meeting, Duisburg, Germany, 10-12 September 2007.

U. Bilstrup, “Applicability of Bluetooth applications in vehicles,” Bluetooth Developers Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, December 2000.

National conference papers:

M. Parsapoor, and U. Bilstrup, "Emotional Learning Inspired Engine for Cognitive Radio Networks", in proceedings of the 10th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop. SNCNW 2014, 2014.


M. Parsapoor, and U. Bilstrup, "Interference-Aware Clustering Algorithms for Mobile ad hoc Network an Ant Colony optimization-based Algorithm", in proceedings of the 9th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop. SNCNW 2013, 2013


M. Parsapoor, and U. Bilstrup, "Using the grouping genetic algorithm (GGA) for channel assignment in a cluster-based mobile ad hoc network ," in proceedings of the 8th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop. SNCNW 2012, June, 2012.


U. Bilstrup, E. Nilsson, P-A. Wiberg, B. Svesson, and H Petterson, “Active Backscatter Radio”, Micronano Systems Workshop, Sweden, Stockholm May, 2010. 


U. Bilstrup, K Sjöberg and P-A Wiberg, “A comparison of spatial energy consumption distribution for single- and mulihop wireless network architectures,” in Proc. of the 2nd Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop, SNCNW 2004, Karlstad, Sweden, September 2004.


 U. Bilstrup, M Jonsson and B. Svensson, “The next challange for the communication society: Co-operating embedded systems,” in Proc. of the 1st Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop, SNCNW 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2003.


 U. Bilstrup, B. Svensson and P-A. Wiberg, “Knowledge Horizon - Dynamic limitations in a wireless ad hoc network,” in Proc. of the 1st Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop, SNCNW 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2003.


U. Bilstrup and P-A. Wiberg, ““Wireless networks for manufacturing,” in Proceedings of the 2nd ARTES Graduate Student Conference 2000, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 2000.


U. Bilstrup, Bluetooth and Wireless Multihop Networks in Industrial Communication Systems, Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, December 2008.


U. Bilstrup, “Design Space Exploration of Wireless Multihop Networks,” Licentiate Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, June 2005.


S. Ackmer, U. Bilstrup and L. Svalmark, “Routing Protocol for Wireless Real-Time Multihop Networks,” Master's Thesis CCA 9906, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 1999.


Urban Bilstrup, Emil Nilsson, and Per-Arne Wiberg, Method and device for adjusting sensitivity. Inventors: (WO/2009/108106)


Per-Arne Wiberg and Urban Bilstrup, A device for wireless operation and method for operating the device. Inventors: (WO/2008/026988)


Per-Arne Wiberg och Urban Bilstrup. En anordning för trådlös manövrering och en metod för att manövrera anordningen, No. 0601807-1.



Struan Gray, Stefan Axelsson, and Urban Bilstrup, Forensic AFM of semiconductor memory arrays, Halmstad University, 2018.


Urban Bilstrup, En Studie av Robustheten i Elektronisk Kommunikation I Hallands Län, Länsstyrelsen

Halland, 2015.


Urban Bilstrup, Mobile social ALARMS, Hälsoteknikcentrum Halland, oktober 2010.


Urban Bilstrup, Adam Lagerberg, och Lars Strandén, Förstudie Övervakning av temperatur i kyl/frysdiskar i

Livsmedelsbutiker, Inventech Europe AB, Institut och Lärosäten I Samverkan för Inbyggda System (ILISIS),

februari 2008.


Maxime Flament, Kai Yu, Henrik Carlsson, Lars-Åke Larzon, Martin Lantz, Urban Bilstrup, Telecom

Financial Situation in Europe 2002-2005, A PCC++ Summer School project, 2005.


Urban Bilstrup, Applicability of Bluetooth applications in vehicles, CCA technical report 1999, Halmstad

University, November 1999.

Bachelor thesis that I have supervised:


Isak Lexert och Dahn Bergquist, Sveriges cybersäkerhet i ljuset av Nato: En kvalitativ studie som explorativt utforskar innebörden av det svenska Nato-medlemskapet på den nationella cybersäkerheten, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2024.


Amanda Jonsson, Digitala Fotspår - Användarnamn och Delning av Information, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2024.


Roger Carlsson, Artificiell intelligens inom IT-forensik: Kan AI effektivisera brottsutredninga, , Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2024.


Anton Ivarsson och Adrian Stefanescu, Quishing i Sikte:Försvarsstrategier och Verktyg: -En Studie om medarbetares Medvetenhet om QR-kod Phishing och En Undersökning av Anti-Phishing-Verktyg, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2024.


Erik Lundberg och Henrik Knutsson, Jag tror det är jag ser det... eller?: AI-genererade deepfakes och dess användning inom disinformation, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2024.


Kirov, Martin, Cyber Security Risks and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence: A Qualitative Study: How AI would form the future of cyber security, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2023.

Brandt, Clemens och Mollgren, Theodor, Granskning av konceptet ”Double Key Encryption”: En riskanalys utförd på en datakrypteringstjänst, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2023.

Ahlandsberg, Natalie och Berntsson, Lisa, Cyberkrig under förstoringsglaset: En kvalitativ studie som utreder begreppet cyberkrig utifrån olika aspekter samt delger privata och statliga aktörers perspektiv på området, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2023.


Carlsson, Malin, Jansson, Linda och Wallström, Max, Hur Ryssland använder desinformation - en fallstudie om konflikten med Ukraina, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2022.

Martell, Angelica, How to combat the rise of Ransomware, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2022.

Staberg, Oscar Theodor; Persson, Philip och Nyblom, Felix, Metoder för inhämtning av militär underrättelse via sociala medier, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2022.

Waregård, Ellen och Wilke, Frida, Cybersäkerhet: Från reaktiv till proaktiv, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2022.

Wardh, Eric och Wirstam, Victor, Deepfakes - En risk för samhället?, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2021.

Swartz, Erik, Mänskligt beteende - ett ofrånkomligt hot mot informationssäkerhet?, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2021.

Johansson, Christer och Andersson, Viktor, Sakernas internet - En säkerhetsrisk: En kvantitativ studie om privatpersoners kunskap gällande IoT-enheters säkerhet, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2021.


Gustav, Lindström och Ludvig, Lerbom, AI - ett framtida verktyg för terrorism och organiserad brottslighet?: En framtidsstudie, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2021.


Alsalehy, Ahmad och Alsayed, Ghada, Scenanalys av trafikmiljön, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2021.


Ali, Hani och Sunnergren, Pontus, Scenanalys - Övervakning och modellering, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2021.


Johnny, Hong, Unga människors utsatthet på internet: En kvalitativ studie om olika aktörers åtgärder, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2020.


Holme Börjesson och Filiph Lindskog, Går det att köpa personuppgifter på bilskroten?: Ett arbete om digital forensik på begagnade bildelar, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2020.


Beata Syrén Martinsson and Erika Liljekvist, Tekniska skydd mot informationsläckage: Hur företag skyddar sig från informationsläckage i hybrida IT-miljöer, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2019.


Simon Hansen och Erik Markow Big Data: Implementation av Big Data i offentlig verksamhet, Kandidatarbete, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi 2018.


Johan Sundemo and Stanikazi, Förutse försenade tåg med machine learning, Bachelor’s Thesis,

Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Kresimir Lukic, Avveckling av lagringsmedia i Sveriges kommuner, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad

University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Robin Rosenberg and Sandra Eriksson, GDPR – Ansvar, utmaningar och framtiden: Med åsikter från

arbetslivet, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Robin Loggarfve och Johan Rydell, Social engineering: En kvalitativ studie om hur organisationer

hanterar social engineering, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Niklas Jäverbo and David Hörnfalk, Nätfiske: Vad är den underliggande orsaken till att personer

faller för nätfiske, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Malin Granquist Karlsson and Sanne Femling, Barns utsatthet på nätet, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad

University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Henrik Kockum and John Persson, Uppgradering av Mingo Matte, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad

University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Daniel Clarke Håkansson and Markus Lundström, Autentisering och Riskmedvetande: En studie om

Lösenordshantering och Risktagande, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden,



Emil Gavelin and Tinny Gidensköld, RFID-(o)säkerhet med enkla medel, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad

University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2018.


Isaac Yaw Ferguson, The Effectiveness of Social Engineering as a Cyber - Attacking Vector: People Do

Use Unknown USB Drive, They Find, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2017.


Elias Zuniga and Mustafa Elmi, Analys och utveckling av LED-belysning, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad

University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2017.


Alexander Alsjö, Sidokanalattack mot knappsats för elektroniskt passersystem, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2017


Jacob Berg and Niclas Landin, Kommunikationskort, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2017.


Marcus Axelsson and Oskar Lundgren, Raytelligent Cloud, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2017.


Johan Örjegård, Wireless control of wall switches: A module that controls your existing wall switch with an application, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2017.


Jolina Noresson, Informationssamhället och Internetbedrägerier, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2016.


Erik Halvarsson and Marcus Norrman, Bluetooth-styrning av skytteställ, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2016.


Philip Pålsson, De digitala bevisens utveckling: En studie kring användandet av digitala bevis och dess svårigheter, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2016 (with cosupervision from Per-Åke Irskog)


Richard Granberg, Bedrägeribrottslighetens utveckling: INFORMATIONSTEKNOLOGINS PÅVERKAN PÅ BROTTET, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2015.


Johanna Mosgeller, IT-forensik i dagens rättssamhälle: En studie om kunskapen kring IT-forensik och användandet av digitala bevis i Sverige, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2015. (with cosupervision from Per-Åke Irskog)


Niclas Åhlander, and Saed Aldaamsah, Inhämtning & analys av Big Data med fokus på sociala medier, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2015.


M. Cseplö, A. Wilhelmsson, and J. Korsbo, Ungdomars medvetenhet om IT-relaterad brottslighet, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2014.

A. Wallin, J. Rubensson, and A. Iggstrand, Allmänhetens säkerhetsmedvetenhet med avseende på trådlös kommunikation, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2014.

E. Alfredsson, and M. Bengtsson, Bluetooth-implementation för Netbiter EC350, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2014..


Magdalena Rosenberg, Survival Time: A Survey on the Current Survival Time for an Unprotected Public System, Bachelor's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2013


Tommy Berggren and Adam Denham-Smith, Automated Live Acquisition of Volatile Data: Through the use of a programmable HID control chip, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013.

Louise Kadre and Tina Gustavsson, Sociala medier som bevis i rättegång, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013.


Anton Dahlqvist, Tor - The Onion Router: En utvinning av lösenord i Tor-nätverket, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013.


Linus Göransson, Säkerhetsanalys av Olofströms kommuns IT-verksamhet: En utvärdering av informationssäkerhet, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013.


Christoffer Kindberg and Jonas Kurkinen, En IT-forensikers kamp mot IT-brottsligheten: En studie om arbetssätt hos polisens IT-forensiker, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013.


Marcus Larsson, Metadata: En forensisk analys av Exif, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013.


Hjalmar Rönnow Sandell and Alexander Nordell, Arkitekturstudie: Arkitekturhypotes för ett trådlöst processnät på Hylte Mill, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2012.


Jan-Ola Stenberg, Erko Mujanovic, and Frank Stehn, Samhällskonsekvenser av bristande IT-säkerhet, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2012.


Theo Strömklint and Mia Wilhelmsson, Integritet och säkerhet inom den digitaliserade sjukvården.: Med perspektiv utifrån patientdatalagen, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2012.


Markus Svensson and Alexander Svensson, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Potentialen och problematiken, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2012.


Ali Celik and Andreas Flygare, Digital mobbning - en explorativ fallstudie med särskilt fokus på utredning, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2011.


Azeem Yousuf and Faisal Mahmood, Site Survey for WLAN up Gradation at Halmstad University, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2011.


Omafume Enakeyarhe,  Wireless LAN Deployment, Single-Sign-On with Novell eDirectory, Laholms kommun, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2011.


Anders Lindman and Simon Svedenman, Bullermätning med sensornätverk, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2006.


Jinny Klang and Jonas Bongsjö, IRC i Obigo, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2006.

Filip Kuttner, Eric Linderson and Martin Idoffsson, iCaddie En självgående vagn, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2005.


Bo-Arne Nilsson and Anne Saari, Testutrustning till sambandssystem i Försvarsmakten, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2003.


Viktoria Bartholdsson and Emma Holmqvist, Modern trådlös datakommunikation, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2001.


J. Bengtsson, L. Gillberg and B. Lundin, Automatisk känslighetsreglering för flygradar, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2001.


Niklas Petersson and Anders Svensson, MobiLast Handheld, Bachelor’s Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2000.

Master Thesis that I have supervised:

Jayagopan, Maheswaran and Saseendran, Ananthu, Intelligence Orchestration in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems, Master thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2022.

I.L. UZUN, Comparison of Short Range Wireless Technology for Applications in Monitoring Muscular

Exertion Rate of Bikers, Master thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2016.


L. Chrast, J. Knaperek, Jozef and  M. Kovalcik, BANDWIDTH AGGREGATION OF MOBILE BROADBAND LINKS ON RASPBERRY PI BASED ACCESS POINT, Master thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2014.


Hesam Moshiri, “Implementation of a Generic Gateway as a Multipurpose Communication Node,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2014.




Mahboobeh Parsapoor, “Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks (CRAHNs) Using Bio-inspired Optimization Algorithms,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013.


Muhammad Salman and Muhammad Mobeen Ahmed, “Guaranteeing QoS in a Crises Response Network,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2011.


Abdel Rahman Alkhawaja, and Hatem Sheibani, ” Security issues with Mobile IP,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2011.


Asif Mirza and Faique Bin Shad, ” Performance Analysis of Cyclostationary Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2011.


Muhammad Ilyas, and Saad Ahmed, “MAC Protocol for Wireless Network on Chip,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2011.


Azhar Shabbir Khan and Bilal Afzal, “MPLS VPNs with DiffServ: A QoS Performance Study,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2011.


Eromon Emmanuel Imhontu and Owusu Yaw Kumah, “A SURVEY ON NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION IN MOBILE PHONES & PDAS,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2010.


Olumuyiwa Falade and Marcellus Botsio, ” Mobile IP Handover for WLAN,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2010.


Usman Zafar Ullahh and Zaman Zafar Cheema, ”A Theoretical Evaluation of Commercially Available Tool Chain for Rapid Prototyping of Wireless Communication Systems,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2009.


Waqas Aslam, “An Empirical Study to Observe Route Recoverability Performance of Routing Protocols in Real-Time Communication,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2009.


Hussain, Khadim and Choudhry Humayun Saleem, “Using Peer to Peer Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks as an Emergency Command and Control System,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2009.


Wajid Iftikhar and Jaroslav Raichl, ” Channel Sounding,” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2008.


M. Taifoor Safdar, Khawar Hanif, and Shakeel Ahmad Ghumman, “Super-Regenerative Receiver for short-range HF band applications” Master's Thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 2008.


T.V. Rajani Kanth, “GERASOS – A Wireless Health Care System,” Master's Thesis IDE0752, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, June 2007.


Stefan Achleitner and Wolfgang Seiss, “Performance Measurements in Wireless 802.11g Multi-Hop Networks,” Master's Thesis IDE0610, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, May 2006.


 Angelica Augustin, “Effective Power Consumption in MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Master's Thesis IDE0604, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2006.


Faisal Jamil, “Microwave Wireless Communication Link - Baseband Part,” Master's Thesis IDE0627, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2006.


 Ahasanul Alam and M. Hasan, “An Intelligent Vehicle Safety System Based on Self Organized Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA),” Master's Thesis IDE0604, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2006.


 Nityanand Pemmarju and Sirinvasa Reddy Bhumi Reddy, “Simulation of information flow in an ad hoc wireless communication network for an intelligent vehicle safety system ,” Master's Thesis IDE0506, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2005.


 Stefan Domenig, “COMPIS II - A service framework for cognitive disabled persons,” Master's Thesis IDE0519, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, May 2005.


 Bern Resch and Peder Romirer-Maierhofer, “Global Positioning in Harsh Environments,” Master's Thesis IDE0504, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2005.


 Debashish Ganguly and Venkata Phain Sankar, “Global Communication in Difficult Environments for Logistic Tracking and Monitoring Systems,” Master's Thesis IDE0507, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2005.


 Rene Schitinger and Stefan Zeppetzauer, “Wireless On-board Diagnostics,” Master's Thesis IDE0501 , Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2005.


 Henrik Ehrnlund, Björn Haglund and Per Mattsson, “An adaptive and self configuring wireless sensor network,” Master's Thesis IDE0405 , Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2004.


 Helen Cederholm and Peter Johansson, “Speech controlled interface for telematic applications,” Master's Thesis IDE0415 , Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2004.


 Sridevi Band and Håkan Green, “Re-configurable IP block for MOST hardware,” Master's Thesis IDE0414 , Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2004.


 Roland Bengtsson, Patrick Broberg and Magnus Svensson, “A MOST-Bluetooth Gateway for Multimedia Traffic,” Master's Thesis IDE 0316, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2003.


 Douglas Dixon and Katrin Sjöberg, “Performance Study of a Broadband Wireless Local Area Network,” Master's Thesis IDE 0214, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2002.


 Joakim Ceder and Peter Fredriksson, “Industrial Bluetooth,” Master's Thesis IDE 0110, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2001.


 Anders Adolfsson, Daniel Andersson and Fredrik Hedenström, ”Real-Time Communication Based on the Bluetooth Technology,” Master's Thesis CCA 0002, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, January 2000.

Licentiate Thesis that I have co-supervised:

Maboobeh Parsapoor, Brain Emotional Learning-Inspired Models, Licentiate thesis, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden 2014.


PhD Thesis that I have co-supervised:

Maboobeh Parsapoor, Towards Emotion-inspired Computationa Intelligence, Doctoral Thesis, Halmstad Univeristy, Sweden, 2015.




Last updated 2021-03-12 by Urban Bilstrup.